News Cycle: New bike factory! Ray LaHood, Pump tracks & more

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Wow! A new $36 million bicycle plant, producing 1.5 million bicycles a year, becoming operational in 2011! All that local revenue! All those jobs!

Too bad it’s in China

Think that when there’s no more oil, bicycles will rule the earth? Think again

The backlash against Ray LaHood’s pledge to invite cyclists and pedestrians to the Department of Transportation planning table will net truckers even less support among all road users than they’ve already lost. Someone with a scintilla of political savvy needs to step in and tell these guys they’re not doing truckers’ reputation any favors.

The business community, not typically a friend of cycling, seems to be getting it when it comes to the Amgen Tour of California. We in Seattle wish the businesses in Ballard who are suing to prevent completion of the Burke-Gilman Trail “missing link” would be so enlightened.

A huge bike path network moves forward in Marin County.

Pump tracks continue to sprout up like spring dandelions.

What do you do when you’re 50, contract brain cancer, then go on to beat it over a four-year battle? Celebrate with a bike ride of course … a bike ride of 3,781 miles.


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