News Cycle: Monday catchup

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Health care reform is here! Now we don’t have to go up to Canada to be sure we can get proper medical attention if we bite the big one riding the jumps!

The Association of Pedestrian and BIcycle Professionals is urging women and girls to fill out this survey/

Bicycle Retailer’s report from Taipei: “Andrea Wu, press coordinator for Taipei Cycle organizer TAITRA, said early numbers indicate the show has been well attended with a 9.3 percent increase in international visitors on the first day and a 7 percent increase on day two. The number of foreign journalists covering the show has increased as well, Wu said.”

Tribute to Phil Wood;
memorial service set for Los Gatos on April 17.

There’s nothing quite like
the Bend Big Fat Tour, for which registration just opened.

The full video of the California premiere of “Women of Dirt” last month in Santa Cruz is out…my favorite part being the panel discussion.

The Top 10 facts from America Bikes and other goodies from Transportation for America are available.

An uncharacteristically grumpy
Fat Cyclist deconstructs the Lance Armstrong appearance on Tony Kornheiser’s show (our take).

Sylvia Paull’s lyrical encounter with Google Maps’ new “Bike There” feature, more or less reiterating our call for some kind of context re Google’s recommendations (“hilly, less hilly, flat”, etc.). Also, it appears from numerous real-life tests that the much ballyhooed algorithmic weighting of Bike There for hills just plain ain’t working… Like we said earlier, this could be one of the longest betas in software history.


News Cycle: Wheel life from all round

Feeling old, tired? Meet Ed Braun, 90


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