Big bike rally Saturday in Palo Alto to protest the hate-cyclist page on Facebook. Riders will convene at Facebook headquarters near California Avenue and Bowdoin Street. This is a residential area called College Terrace where the locals may well join the protest. Facebook is not well liked. Its employees sucked up all available parking for blocks around the place, forcing College Terrace to adopt “restricted zone” signage. Although that takes care of the Facebookers, it creates hassles for having friends, associates and house guests over. Ah well, life in America…
Streetsblog: The $290,000 speeding ticket. Wonder what they’d do in Palo Alto if speeding tickets were assessed like Switzerland?
Drunkcyclist: Pickup truck driver runs cyclists off the road, pleads guilty to reckless endangerment and felony menacing, and walks free. DC’s big jonny is disgusted, as are we. But this is progress. Not so long ago the case wouldn’t even have reached a judge anywhere. In Washington State, it still wouldn’t reach a judge. More grist for Cascade Bicycle Club’s mill in Olympia this legislative session.
PinkBike has a teaser for “The Next Generation” DVD. There’s a bunch of freeride DVDs in the mill, and we continue to wait breathlessly for some movie maker to break the mold. Hey it’s either that or they’ll all have to shut up about doing it.
Bicycle Retailer has a partial agenda for Bicycle Leadership Conference panels at Sea Otter in April.
RE: the FB hate page I give you this quote from Voltaire:
“I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.”
Asking FB to remove that page is ridiculous. What next? Asking Google to remove results for people who oppose bikes? And after that? ISPs that host said pages?