Today I had errands that took me up north to the Greenwood District. While cruising through I saw a wonderment in the window of a local store on Greenwood Ave. N. just north of N. 85th St.

The shop turned out to be a Mexican grocery market and restaurant called La Conasupo.

The shirt from what I could tell was a soccer shirt. Soccer’s big in Mexico, of course, but the team looks to come from England — or did before the Big Meltdown.
So yeah, maybe the shirt is a collectors item.
I’ll pass.
And I did, on my way up to 95th and over to Aurora, then onward to Northgate. Always a joy riding a bike to a shopping mall. You can park right outside the store you want, and be off in a flash.
It was a pleasant day, warmer than in recent weeks. Spring may be on the way after all!
We’ll keep ya posted!