News Cycle: As the crank turns …

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Cascade Bicycle Club has started counting cyclists at light rail stations. It’ll be intriguing to watch these numbers.

Spokespeople’s monthly ride is this Saturday. Start from the Wallingford Playfield at 2 p.m. for a tour of the Ship Canal Trail, it’ll be a relatively laid-back pace, with a stop to watch the big boats going by for Opening Day of Boating and another stop to enjoy a free snack at the Fremont PCC. The ride will go past the Republic of Fremont’s signature Lenin statue and Fremont Troll. Michael Snyder, the bike guru behind SeattleLikesBikes, will lead.

Now there are doubts about the big NYC bike commuter count.

Cycle University is holding a swap meet on Sunday to bikeswap Cascade Bicycle Club’s Major Taylor project.

Lexus is touting a hybrid (e-bike) concept bike using … 20-inch wheels? Further confirmation that when a car company tries to do bicycles, the result is what we saw with typewriter companies trying to do computers.

Cascade Bicycle Club blog: What can we learn from a bike striking and killing a pedestrian?

Car counts are down in Seattle. So why is the city so focused on huge highway expansions like the 520 project?

La Vuelta de Bisbee has no apparent relation to Gene Bisbee of BikingBis, but it sure seems like it ought to.

Lance Armstrong has bought into Honey Stinger energy foods.

Bike to Work Day in San Francisco is shaping up nicely. Plans by Cascade Bicycle Club and the mayor’s office are still being formulated but it looks like a blowout year. The League of American Bicyclists has the overview on Bike Month 2010. The full schedule for Seattle is still being finalized, but promises to include some interesting wrinkles.

BikeHugger on the Bike My Way app. “We’ll use this with our Biologic iPhone mount when we ride the Mobile Social in Portland during Webvisions next month.”

BikeSnobNYC reports in Outside magazine on Portland’s relentlessly velocular culture.

Glenn Erickson, the remarkable Seattle cycling icon who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease last year, will host a Davis Phinney Foundation benefit ride on May 16 starting from Marymoor Park velodrome. A great way to say hi to Glenn and support a worthy cause.


News Cycle: Doing the full loop

Anthill’s “Follow Me” Debuts May 16 in North Bend


1 thought on “News Cycle: As the crank turns …”

  1. One of these years I’m going to haul my decrepit butt down to Bisbee just so I can sign up for the Vuelta. The joke will get unfunny as soon as the peloton takes off and I’m dropped about a 1/10th mile from the start line…

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